欢迎同学们选修研究生引智课程 《通信软件的设计与实现》
授课教师:黄长城教授 Carleton University(加拿大)
授课时间:13周-15周 周一、周三、周五下午 2:00-6:00
Course Objectives:
Communications software architectures, protocols and operating systems. Application layer protocols, APIs and socket programming. P2P algorithms, network virtualization, SDN. Reliable data transfer algorithms, FSM, MSC. Network security. Multimedia applications, RTSP, CDN, DASH, RTP, RTCP. Packet scheduling algorithms, DiffServ, IntServ, RSVP. Traffic classification, cross-layer optimization.
Course Schedule:
1) Course arrangements, scope etc. Communication software architecture and the concept of protocol. Application layer protocols.
and socket programming. HTTP, DNS.
2) Data structures and algorithms. FSM. MSC. Reliable data transfer algorithms. Stateful protocol implementation.
3) P2P algorithms. Cloud computing. Search engine implementation.
4) Multimedia applications. RTSP, CDN, DASH. RTP, RTCP, SIP. QoS and traffic scheduling, DiffServ, IntServ.
5) Cryptography, message integrity, authentication.
6) Network security, SSL, VPN, WEP.
7) Software implementation of IP forwarding. Traffic classification. Layer integration.
8) SDN, OpenFlow, NFV.
9) Students’ presentation.